Chapter 4
Filter and Payload-Integration Elements
4.1 Introduction
After discussing the antenna in the previous chapter, we discuss in this chapter the payload filters that are stand-alone units and the passive hardware elements that are used to integrate the payload units together. These are all passive devices. In the following two chapters, we talk about active units, for which nonlinear behavior is a consideration, which does not apply to passive elements; so it makes sense for those two chapters to be consecutive. Also, in this chapter we explain some things that we need in those chapters, for example, insertion loss, return loss, hybrids, and switches.
The only filters we discuss here are the passive filters. Those used in processing satellites, namely, digital and surface-acoustic-wave (SAW), are addressed in Sections 9.3.3 and 9.4.2, respectively.
The rest of the chapter has the following sections:
- Section 4.2: S-parameters and impedance mismatch
- Section 4.3: RF lines for payload integration, namely, coaxial cable and waveguide: their construction, RF performance, environmental considerations, assemblies, and propagation modes
- Section 4.4: Other payload integration elements aside from switch
- Section 4.5: Filters: types; families of frequency response; general information on resonators and filters; technology with environmental considerations; preselect filter and MUXes; and specification
- Section 4.6: Switches and redundancy for low-power units and TWTAs (for SSPAs in ...