Chapter 8Next Generation Internet (NGI) over Satellite
This chapter aims to introduce next generation Internet (NGI) over satellite. Satellites are considered as an integrated part of the Internet. Future networks and services are evolving towards an all-IP solution. First this chapter introduces new services and applications, modelling and traffic engineering and multi-protocol label switching (MPLS), then it introduces Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) including addressing and transitions, and particularly it explains IPv6 over satellite including tunnelling and translation techniques of IPv6 over satellite networks. Finally, as a conclusion, it discusses the future development of satellite networking. When you have completed this chapter, you should be able to:
- Understand the concepts of new services and applications to be supported in future satellite networks.
- Understand the basic principles and techniques for traffic modelling and traffic characterisation.
- Understand the nature of Internet traffic.
- Describe the concepts of traffic engineering in general and Internet traffic engineering in particular.
- Appreciate the principles of MPLS, and interworking with different technologies and traffic engineering concepts.
- Understand IPv6 and its main differences from IPv4.
- Understand IPv6 addressing and transition techniques.
- Understand IPv6 over satellite networks and transition techniques such as tunnelling and translations.
- Appreciate the future development and convergence ...
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