11Remote Sensing Satellites
Remote sensing is a technology used for obtaining information about the characteristics of an object through the analysis of data acquired from it at a distance. Satellites play an important role in remote sensing. Some of the important and better known applications of satellites in the area of remote sensing include providing information about the features of the Earth's surface, such as coverage, mapping, classification of land cover features such as vegetation, soil, water, forests, etc. In this chapter, various topics related to remote sensing satellites will be covered, including their principle of operation, payloads on board these satellites and their use to acquire images, processing and analysis of these images using various digital imaging techniques and finally interpreting these images for studying different features of Earth for varied applications. The chapter gives a descriptive view of the above-mentioned topics with relevant illustrations wherever needed. Some of the major remote sensing satellite systems used for the purpose will also be introduced towards the end of the chapter.
11.1 Remote Sensing – An Overview
Remote sensing is defined as the science of identifying, measuring and analysing the characteristics of objects of interest without actually being in contact with them. It is done by sensing and recording the energy reflected or emitted by these objects and then processing and interpreting that information. Remote sensing ...
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