Chapter 27

The Humorous Faux Pas

They Happen in Every Language

I’ve been very privileged to have had many wonderful and humorous experiences working throughout the world. I’ve also been fortunate not to have had too many faux pas where I unintentionally offended someone from another culture, although I’ve had a few! For the most part, my faux pas were more of an embarrassment to me than anyone else.

As I wrap up, I’d like to share with you a few of my stories with the most memorable international mistakes. Some of these faux pas are my own—and others I simply had the pleasure of witnessing.

When we teach our cross-cultural courses at Circles Of Excellence, we always tell our attendees to share what they have learned with their travel companions when they’re heading to other countries, especially if they’re going on a business trip. If you don’t share what you know, you can never be quite sure about what the people travelling with you might say or do—and they’ll certainly appreciate your sharing any wisdom and experience you have. I’ve had some firsthand experiences travelling with people that caused my mouth to drop!

When we were incorporating a business base of Circles Of Excellence in Dallas from Switzerland, our corporate attorney, Saul, and his wife, Bea, came to Zurich with us to handle the legalities. Bea was a tall, attractive redhead from Johnson City, Texas. She had a charming Texan accent and resembled Lucille Ball—in more than just her appearance. As a native Texan, ...

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