

* wildcard (SELECT statement), 142–144, 234

2PC (two-phase commit), 138–139

37signals, 10

3PC (three-phase commit), 138

80-20 rule, 10

300 Multiple Choices status code, 77

301 Moved Permanently status code, 77

302 Found status code, 77

303 See Other status code, 77

304 Not Modified status code, 77

305 Use Proxy status code, 78

306 (Unused) status code, 78

307 Temporary Redirect status code, 78


ACID properties, 26, 54, 129–130

actions, identifying, 126

aggregating log files, 66–67

“Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications” (Garrett), 96

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 95–100, 228

AKF Partners’ D-I-D (Design-Implement-Deploy) approach, 218

deployment, 8–9

design, 7

explained, 6–7

implementation, 8

AKF Scale Cube ...

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