
Page numbers followed by “f” denote figures; those followed by “t” denote tables.


AB grade of wood, 65t

AC grade of wood, 65t

Accordion fold drop, 5152

Acrylic, 7475

Act curtain, 4142, 52

Action sheet, 255, 257t–258t

Additives, of paint, 279280

Adjustable stage brace, 199

Air nailers, 153

Aircraft cable, 218

Aliphatic glue, 181

Alloys, 66


ductility of, 69

processing of, 6869

rule of 3, 68

soft cans, 69

uses of, 70

welding of, 70

Aluminum flashing, 68

Aluminum swages, 213

Angle bevel, 107

Angle-marking tool, 107

Antikickback pawls, 113, 114f

Appliqués, 5, 302, 302f


définition of, 225

stacking weights on, 228229

Area rugs, 316

Arm pit, 127

Austrian curtain, 42f

Autopilot II, 382, 383f


Back painting, 5

Back stroke, ...

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