School Counselor Consultation, 2nd Edition

Book description

Explore a wide range of strategies and techniques to build your school counselor consulting skillset

In the newly revised Second Edition of School Counselor Consultation: Skills for Working Effectively With Parents, Teachers, and Other School Personnel, a team of distinguished counselors delivers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the consultation process. With a strong focus on proven, practical techniques, this book offers readers a detailed case consultation model, an interactive workshop model, concise discussions of trauma-informed practices, consultations supporting students with anxiety, and more. 

The book also includes: 
  • An emphasis on building the skills necessary for counselors to facilitate the personal, social, career, and academic growth of students. 
  • An integration of theory and practice using an experiential approach to developing consulting competence.
  • Appendices and sample activities that outline the techniques and strategies used to support learning. 

Perfect for students pursuing master's degrees in Education, School Counselor Consultation is also ideal for school counselling students and practitioners seeking a hands-on framework for applying consulting theory and approaches to the school setting.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Copyright
  4. Foreword
  5. Introduction and Overview
  6. List of Tables
  7. Part I: Grounding Your Approach to Consultation in the Schools
    1. 1 School Counselors as Consultants
      1. Personal and Professional Growth Orientation
      2. Knowledge of Consultation and Human Behavior
      3. Consultation Skills
      4. A Multicultural and Diversity Perspective
      5. Why Consult?
    2. 2 A School-Based Approach to Consultation: Supporting Models and Theories
      1. Consultation in Schools
      2. Theoretical Approach
      3. Models of Consultation
      4. Another Approach to Organization of Models
      5. Models and Theory Central to this Approach
      6. Case Consultation Model
      7. Teaching/Workshop Model
    3. 3 The Practical Advantage of Adlerian Theory in Teacher and Parent Consultation
      1. The Three Cs of the Adlerian Approach
      2. Capable
      3. Connected
      4. Contributing
      5. Encouragement
      6. Mistaken Goals of Behavior
      7. Attention-Seeking
      8. Revenge- and Power-Seeking
      9. Avoidance of Failure
      10. Summary
    4. 4 Ethical Issues in Consultation
      1. Tripartite Relationship
      2. Information about the Student
      3. Information about the Consultee
      4. Nonsupervisory Relationship
      5. Voluntary and Temporary Relationship
      6. Encourages Consultee Self-Reliance
      7. Work-Related Relationship
      8. Other Ethical Issues
      9. Working with Other Professionals
      10. Competence
      11. Values
      12. Additional Considerations
  8. Part II: Working in Schools as a Consultant
    1. 5 Case Consultation with Teachers and Parents
      1. Basic Consultation Model
      2. Before the Consultation
      3. Step I: Prepare for the Consultation
      4. During the Consultation
      5. Step II: Define the Process and Develop the Relationship
      6. Step III: Gather and Present Information about the Student
      7. Summary of Five Question Guide
      8. Step IV: Choose Behaviors to Work On
      9. After the Consultation
      10. Step V: Follow-Up
    2. 6 Typical Issues in School Consultation
      1. How to Refer Students
      2. Teach Your Faculty the Referral Process
      3. Encourage Teacher Involvement
      4. Let Teachers Know What to Expect with Regard to Follow-up
      5. What Parents and Teachers Can Tell Students about Seeing the Counselor
      6. Frequently Asked Questions
      7. From Teachers
      8. From Parents
      9. From Administrators
      10. Consultee Resistance
    3. 7 Workshops and Education Programs
      1. Workshop Model
      2. Programs for Teachers
      3. Student Success Skills
      4. Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together
      5. Open Circle
      6. Preparing Parents for a Different Approach
      7. Programs for Parents
      8. Parent Success Skills
      9. MegaSkills®
      10. Roots and Wings: Raising Resilient Children
      11. Building Successful Partnerships: A Guide for Developing Parent and Family Involvement
    4. 8 Other Opportunities for Consultation in Schools
      1. Parent–Teacher–Counselor Conferences
      2. Student–Teacher–Counselor Conferences
      3. Teacher Team Consultation
      4. Grade-Level Team Meetings
      5. School-Based Teams
      6. Consider Member Composition
      7. Determine Meeting Logistics
      8. The Consultative Process
      9. Plans for Follow-up
      10. Referral Teams
      11. Common School-Based Recommendations for Students with Task Completion Difficulties
      12. Teacher Advisor Programs
      13. Other Suggestions about Kinds of Consultation
    5. 9 Classroom Meetings: Creating a Climate of Cooperation
      1. Benefits of Classroom Meetings
      2. The Classroom Meeting Format
      3. Teaching Teachers to Use Classroom Meetings
      4. Barriers to Effective Classroom Meetings and Strategies to Overcome Them
    6. 10 Consultation with Administrators
      1. The Importance of Gaining Administrator Support for Your Program
      2. Crisis Intervention: Planning for and Responding to a Crisis
      3. The Role of the School Counselor
      4. Guidelines for Responding to a Crisis
      5. School-Wide Plans
      6. Web Sites with Links to Resources Related to Crisis Prevention and Response
      7. Crisis and Trauma Resources: Professional Development
      8. Additional Resources
      9. The Process of School-Wide Change
      10. The School Counselor and Discipline Planning
      11. Advocating for Student Involvement When Assessing School-Wide Need
      12. Providing Workshops/In-Service for Teachers
      13. Providing Workshops/Information to Parents
      14. Helping Administrators and Staff Understand the “Scope” of School-Wide Discipline
      15. Being Involved in the Development of a School-Wide Plan for Discipline
      16. A Four-Key Approach to School-Wide Discipline
      17. Key 1: The Identification, Development, and Practice of Desired Social Skills
      18. Key 2: Encouraging and Reinforcing Desired Behaviors
      19. Key 3: Corrective Intervention Strategies and Consultation
      20. Key 4: Support System and Additional Intervention Strategies for Students Who are Not Experiencing Success
    7. 11 Consultation in the Community
      1. Referrals
      2. Speakers Bureau
      3. Parent Group
      4. Parent–Teacher Organization
      5. Service or Civic Clubs
      6. Business Partners or Partners in Education
      7. Community Task Forces
      8. Grandparent Programs
      9. Keys to Successful Community Involvement
  9. Part III: Addressing 21st Century Needs
    1. 12 The School Counselor as Leader
      1. Qualities and Styles of Effective Leadership
      2. Social-Emotional Leadership
      3. Servant Leadership
      4. School Counselor’s Role as Leader and Advocate
      5. Transformative Leadership
      6. Competencies to Advocate for School Counseling Roles
      7. Promoting Equity and Cultural Competence
      8. Multicultural and Social Justice Leadership Form (MSJLF)
      9. Leading through Data-Driven Decision Making
      10. LEAD
    2. 13 Systemic Approach to School-Wide Consultation
      1. Systemic Approach to School–Family–Community Consultation
      2. Identification of Stakeholders in Systems and Metasystems
      3. Evidence-Based Approaches and Activities
      4. Systemic Social and Emotional Learning
      5. Creating a Foundation of Support
      6. Adult SEL Development
      7. SEL for Students
      8. Practice Continuous Improvement
      9. Advocating for Student-within-Environment
      10. Coregulation
      11. Social Justice Initiative
    3. 14 Consultation Supporting Student Mental Health: Anxiety
      1. Introduction to Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
      2. Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression
      3. Anxiety Disorders
      4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
      5. Separation Anxiety
      6. Social Anxiety (Social Phobia)
      7. Panic Disorder (PD)
      8. Specific Phobias
      9. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
      10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
      11. Depression
      12. Possible Interventions and Supports
      13. The School Counselor’s Role in Addressing Anxiety Issues in Students
    4. 15 Consultation and Trauma-Infused Practices
      1. What is Trauma?
      2. Recognizing the Signs of Trauma
      3. Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools
      4. The Role of the School Counselor in Building Trauma-Informed Schools
      5. Design and Deliver a Comprehensive School Counseling Program
      6. Pay Attention to the Classroom Climate
      7. Address Trauma with a Multitiered Approach
      8. Leverage Consultation to Strengthen Stakeholder Skills
      9. Engage in School-Wide Practices to Promote and Empower All Students
      10. Establish Community Partnerships
      11. Summary
    5. 16 School Counselor Consultation and Working with Undocumented Students
      1. Overview of Undocumented Students
      2. DACA and Dreamers
      3. Undocumented Students’ Access to Education
      4. Working with Undocumented Students and Families in Schools
      5. Addressing Risk Factors Facing Undocumented Youth
      6. Addressing the Needs of Undocumented Students at All Levels
      7. Create Welcoming, Safe, and Supportive Environments
      8. Improve School and Family Communication
      9. Increase Awareness of Culturally Sensitive Practices
      10. Support After-School Activities
      11. Conduct Needs Assessments
      12. Obtain Consent Early
      13. Focus on College Readiness and Planning
      14. Explore Career Opportunities
      15. Provide Support for Students’ Transition to College
      16. Summary
  10. About the Authors
  11. References
  12. Index
  13. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: School Counselor Consultation, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Greg Brigman, Elizabeth Villares, Fran Mullis, Linda D. Webb, JoAnna F. White
  • Release date: December 2021
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119809319