Chapter 20


*The source for all the images in this chapter is the Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine.

1. Amended from the ‘The Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine: Institutionalizing Medical Research in the Periphery’, Medical History, 40, 1996, pp. 197–214; reproduced here by permission of the editors. I would like to thank Uma Das Gupta for asking me to contribute to this volume. Mridula Ramanna and Indira Chowdhury kindly commented on earlier drafts. Adam Wilkinson demonstrated great patience and skill in producing the best possible images of the floor plans that illustrate the chapter. I am very grateful to him.

2. David Arnold, Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-century India, p. 294.

3. W.F. Bynum, ...

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