Initializing NumPy arrays and dtypes

There are several ways to initialize NumPy arrays besides np.arange:

  1. Initialize an array of zeros with np.zeros. The np.zeros((5,2)) command creates a 5 x 2 array of zeros:
np.zeros((5,2))array([[ 0.,  0.],       [ 0.,  0.],       [ 0.,  0.],       [ 0.,  0.],       [ 0.,  0.]])
  1. Initialize an array of ones using np.ones. Introduce a dtype argument, set to, to ensure that the ones are of NumPy integer type. Note that scikit-learn expects np.float arguments in arrays. The dtype refers to the type of every element in a NumPy array. It remains the same throughout the array. Every single element of the array below has a integer type.
np.ones((5,2), dtype =[[1, 1],       [1, 1],       [1, 1],       [1, 1],       [1, 1]])
  1. Use

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