
! (logical negation) operator, 93–95

! (not equal to) operator, 91–92

# (pound sign), 298

% (modulus) operator, 87

& (ampersand), 23, 92–95

&& (logical AND) operator, 92–95

() parenthesis, 99, 104, 434

* (multiplication) operator, 87

+ (addition) operator, 87

+ (concatenation) operator, 44

+ (plus sign), 298

+ (String concatenation) operator, 97–101

+= (assignment by addition) operator, 84

- (subtraction) operator, 87

-= (assignment by subtraction) operator, 84

. (period), 22

/(division) operator, 87

/(forward slash), 22

: (colon), 22

:= (pseudo-code assignment) operator, 85

; (semicolon), 22, 44

= (equal sign), 84

= = (equal to) operator, 91

?: (conditional ternary) operator, 82

< (less than) operator, 89–90

< > (angle brackets), 434

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