Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes.
9-11 type backstories, 170, 170b
30 Rock, 50
40-Year-Old Virgin, The, 72
300, 10–11
500 Days of Summer, 49
A, B, and C stories, 50
Abrams, J. J., 49
Act 1
accepting the call, 47
importance of, 29
point of no return, 47
setup, 46
solving script problems, 131, 132
Act 2
Dark Point in, 48
midpoint, 48
opening up, 47
outlining and problems in, 25
protagonist in, 29
recovery, 48
Act 3
final battle, 48
wind-down, 49
Act out, soft, 90
gumming up script with lines of, 96, 96b, 97, 98
Page One, 44b
writing after dialog, 117
Action lines
in comedy, 111
stripping down, 117
in westerns, 111
Action movies, violence ...
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