- 10 000 Year Watch
- A Good Year
- Acorns app
- advertisements
- agriculture
- mental health of workers in
- suicide rates of workers in
- technological advancement and
- AIA Australia
- Air New Zealand
- Airbnb
- Amazon Echo
- analogue vs digital cochlear implants and 95 building brand loyalty using 207 Pokémon Go and surgery and
- Andersen, Hans Christian
- Anderson, Dr Wendy
- Andersson, Chris
- Arrogant Frog
- artificial intelligence see also Watson artificial intelligence
- As It Is in Heaven
- Aurelius, Marcus
- aviation industry
- Ballard, Barclay
- banking industry, digital disruption and
- Barbour
- Bedát, Maxine
- Bergslagens Brygghus
- Best, Jo
- Bezos, Jeff
- blogs as inbound marketing
- Bloodline
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Blumenthal, Neil
- Boardwalk Empire
- Bostrom, Nick
- Bowie, David
- Brand, Stewart
- brands
- customer experience and
- differentiation of 24 future of
- identities of
- power of regional see also heritage
- Brooks, David
- Brown, Tim
- Bruehl, Daniel
- Brynjolfsson, Erik
- Buckley, David
- bull sharks
- Burning Man
- Butler, Will
- butterfly effect
- Capone, Al
- Carlyle, Thomas
- The Castle
- change
- Oscar Jacobson and
- resistance to see also futurephobia technology and
- Cialdini, Robert
- Clifford, Ruth
- Cmiique Iitom language
- Conniff, Richard
- conscious consumerism
- Crowe, Russell
- D'arco, Clementine
- da Vinci Surgical System
- Daesh/ISIL/ISIS, futurephobia and
- Darabi, Soraya
- Das Kapital
- depression, experience of
- Descartes, René
- design, human-centred
- Diamond, Jared
- Digilogue
- digital storytelling, GoPro and
- disruption, industries ...
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