Chapter 7. The SEO Consulting Process


  • Selling the client your services

  • Establishing price points

  • Seeing different deliverables

As an SEO consultant, your actual person-to-person communication will take up only a small portion of your time but will be the factor that makes or breaks your business.

This chapter outlines the SEO consulting process, one that I have used at SEOmoz and in my private business. The chapter is formatted like a framework to enable you to customize it to your needs. This chapter will not answer all of your questions (not even close), but it can give you the tools you need to be a successful consultant.


Before you can start a campaign, you first need to win the business. This frequently means that you must make a strong case for yourself (or your organization), your industry, and your specific methodologies by addressing some tough questions. Before getting to the specifics, you need to understand how to answer the hard questions. Clients usually ask surprisingly similar questions. This section covers those questions and the answers that often work the best.

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