Chapter 8. Staying in Your Second Life Comfort Zone
In This Chapter
Knowing the risks of a Second Life
Keeping your Second Life and First Life separate
Understanding region ratings
Dealing with troublesome residents
We've all seen the Dateline "To Catch a Predator" episodes. Watch enough of them, and you begin to feel like the Internet is jam-packed with folks whose prime motivation is to be creepy and end up in handcuffs in someone's driveway. Although you'd be naïve to think that no risks are involved in online living, you don't have to think that everyone online is a pervert. The best way to be safe online is to be informed. You just need to know how to avoid attracting trouble and what tools you have to defend yourself with should someone target you with creepy behavior.
In this chapter, we dismiss many of the scary stories you've heard about Second Life and online communities in general. We help you identify potential trouble, prevent invasions of privacy, stick to places where you'll be comfy, and tell you how to deal with trouble should it arise.
Understanding the Risks in Second Life
People join Second Life (SL) for a wide variety of reasons. Some log in to check out a cool technology, some want to meet up with friends who are too far away to see face to face, and others have dreams of finding that special virtual someone. Not everyone falls into these harmless categories, though. ...
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