Chapter 15. The Clothes Make the Avatar: Creating Your Own Clothing
In This Chapter
Altering clothes
Making clothes from scratch
Designing accessories
Adding prims to make clothing more realistic
Hairdos from scratch
Half the fun of Second Life is dressing up your avatar. In a world where everything fits and you can be as outrageous as you want to be, why not learn to make your own clothes to express your own sense of crazy style? Plus, maybe you'll make something so unique that others want to wear it and — even better — be willing to pay you for it.
Because of the flexibility of appearance in Second Life, folks around you will "read" your avatar as an expression of your personality even more than they might assume things about you based on the fashion you choose in real life. So why not go all out and really express yourself? There's no better way than to make your own clothing. In this chapter, we walk you through making small adjustments to clothes you might have purchased from others, making clothing from scratch in Adobe Photoshop, crafting accessories (such as hats and flirty skirts), and even how to create a great hairdo. Get ready to go couture!
Haute Couture: Using Adobe Photoshop to Make Your Own Clothes
You can use a less-expensive graphics programs to create clothing, but Adobe Photoshop is what the best designers in Second Life swear by. It's a pricey program (US$75 - US$800) ...
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