Chapter 3. Pointer Subterfuge

with Rob Murawski1

1. Robert Murawski is a member of the technical staff in the CERT Program of Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI).

Tush! tush! fear boys with bugs.

—William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, act 1, scene 2

Pointer subterfuge is a general term for exploits that modify a pointer’s value [Pincus 2004]. C and C++ differentiate between pointers to objects and pointers to functions. The type of a pointer to void or a pointer to an object type is called an object pointer type. The type of a pointer that can designate a function is called a function pointer type. A pointer to objects of type T is referred to as a “pointer to T.” C++ also defines a pointer to member type, which is ...

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