3.5. Preventing Integer Coercion and Wrap-Around Problems
When using integer values, it is possible to make values go out of range in ways that are not obvious. In some cases, improperly validated integer values can lead to security problems, particularly when data gets truncated or when it is converted from a signed value to an unsigned value or vice versa. Unfortunately, such conversions often happen behind your back.
Unfortunately, integer coercion and wrap-around problems currently require you to be diligent.
Best practices for such problems require that you validate any coercion that takes place. To do this, you need to understand the semantics of the library functions you use well enough to know when they may implicitly cast data.
In addition, you should explicitly check for cases where integer data may wrap around. It is particularly important to perform wrap-around checks immediately before using data.
Integer type problems are often quite subtle. As a result, they are very difficult to avoid and very difficult to catch unless you are exceedingly careful. There are several different ways that these problems can manifest themselves, but they always boil down to a type mismatch. In the following subsections, we’ll illustrate the various classes of integer type errors with examples.
Signed-to-unsigned coercion
Many API functions take only positive values, and programmers often take advantage of that fact. For example, consider the following code excerpt: ...
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