©  Matthew Katzer 2018
Matthew KatzerSecuring Office 365https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4230-8_4

4. Deploying Identity Management with EMS

Matthew Katzer1 
Hillsboro, OR, USA
Office 365 is a suite of technologies delivered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering and reduces IT costs for businesses of any size. Windows Enterprise Mobility & Security (EMS) is a SaaS offering that enhances the security of your Office 365 deployment; The new Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 suite incorporates Enterprise Mobility and Security E5 suite. My team deploys either the Microsoft 365 E5 suite or the EMS E3/E5 suite for account security. This improves the security of our clients and in doing so reduces our threat landscape. This chapter is about deploying ...

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