Chapter 5. Responding to New Vulnerability Disclosures
The techniques to find, fix, and prevent vulnerable dependencies are very similar to other quality controls. They revolve around issues in our application, and maintaining quality as the application changes. The last piece in the vulnerable library puzzle is a bit different.
In addition to their known vulnerabilities, the libraries you use also contain unknown vulnerabilities. Every now and then, somebody (typically a library’s authors, its users, or security researchers) will discover and report such a vulnerability. Once a vulnerability is discovered and publicly disclosed, you need to be ready to test your applications for it and fix the findings quickly—before attackers exploit it.
The Significance of Vulnerability Disclosure
A new vulnerability disclosure is not a new vulnerability. The security flaw existed in your library’s code all along, introducing a weakness in your application. However, when a vulnerability is made public, its likelihood of being exploited skyrockets.
Consider the effort required for an attacker to find a vulnerability in a library. There are literally millions of open source libraries out there, with tens of thousands of them in heavy use. A large portion of these libraries are in active development, with regular code changes introducing new functionality and fixing old bugs. Many of these packages are also quite complex, reaching many thousands of lines of code. Understanding the code in all ...
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