Chapter 7. Service Workers: Analytics Monitoring

Let’s jump right into the first application of service workers, analytics monitoring.

Performance Monitoring Today

Over the last few years, third party performance monitoring tools have gained a lot of traction due to all the benefits they provide for most businesses. The reason these tools have had a significant impact on businesses is because of all the powerful data they are able to provide. More specifically, these tools are able to monitor performance by collecting timing metrics, which are then correlated to various revenue growth or even conversion business metrics. Businesses are then able to make logical decisions based on these key performance indicators (KPIs) to improve the end user’s experience overall and gain that competitive edge over other businesses.

Many popular performance monitoring tools exist today, as shown in Figure 7-1; some are in-house, but the majority are third party components that are able to collect and present the data in a logical way.

Performance Monitoring Tools
Figure 7-1. Performance monitoring tools

Each of these has unique capabilities bundled with the data and metrics they provide for measuring performance. Some measure performance over time versus others that measure single snapshots or even request transactions. And of course, some take the approach of real user monitoring (RUM) versus simulated traffic performance ...

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