Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India, India


In today’s highly competitive world, individuals are caught up in their work almost all of the time. In earlier times, parents, and especially mothers, took special care of their toddlers as they could be at home all the time. However, now this scenario has changed, and even mothers work both in and outside of the home for the sake of their families. The nuclear family these days doesn’t leave anyone behind to take care of the toddlers after maternity leave. Hence, this leaves two options; either a day care center or an in-home caregiver. However, do the parents go to work hassle free? If this is the question, then the answer is no; because in the back of their minds they always worry about how their children are doing and constantly keep checking on them. In the professional world, keeping a constant check by calls becomes very difficult. Therefore, this chapter discusses smart ways to keep a check on the toddlers when away from them by using machine-to-machine (M2M) communication with sensors. Comparatively speaking, this helps working parents to be aware of the child’s activities by sending processed data from the sensors to the parent. This chapter can be useful for research scholars, industries and all working parents. The project discussed in this chapter can be devised and modified ...

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