AppendixAnswer Key

Lesson 1: Understanding Security Layers

Answers to Knowledge Assessment

Multiple Choice

  1. a, b, d
  2. a, c, d
  3. b, d
  4. a
  5. c
  6. a, d
  7. c
  8. b
  9. d
  10. a
  11. a

Fill in the Blank Answers

  1. Confidentiality
  2. access control
  3. defense in depth
  4. threat
  5. risk register
  6. Social engineering
  7. integrity
  8. keylogger
  9. Residual risk
  10. cost

Matching and Identification

  • S Spoofing
  • T Tampering
  • R Repudiation
  • I Information Disclosure
  • D Denial-of-Service
  • E Elevation of Privilege

Build List

  •   2   Create an architecture overview.
  •   1   Identify assets.
  •   6   Rate the threats.
  •   3   Decompose the security components and applications.
  •   4   Identify the threats.
  •   5   Document the threats.

Answers to Business Case Scenarios

Scenario 1-1: Designing a Physical Security Solution ...

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