Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences

Book description

This book, based on the author's conference presentation, takes a fresh approach to designing sites and interaction based on the stages of seduction. This beautifully-designed book follows its own principles of seduction and examines what motivates and causes people to act. Topics include ways to create playful engagements during the moment; how to put people at ease through sense-making, reassurance, and clear communication; ways to grab attention through language, visuals, and emotions; and how to continue motivating long after the first encounter. The author goes further and shows examples of how these technique have been applied with great success. In addition, sprinkled throughout the text are interviews with influential Web and interactions designers.

Product information

  • Title: Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences
  • Author(s): Stephen P. Anderson
  • Release date: June 2011
  • Publisher(s): New Riders
  • ISBN: 9780132118477