3Roadmap to successSix key traits of a self-made entrepreneur

I was born an entrepreneur; I have always had a natural tendency to want to take risks from a young age and have found it easy to connect and talk to people. I started my first physical shop at the end of my driveway when I was only five years old, and even at that young age, I had the instinct to make a handwritten sign and put it at the end of our long road to alert passers-by to come and visit my shop (garage sale).

I would get up early and set up my table with my preloved toys, stuffed animals and books with pride, merchandising it so that it was easy for customers to see what was for sale and how much things cost. I remember the feeling I would get each time I successfully negotiated a sale with a customer. It was more about that feeling to me than the money I would make at the end of the long day.

Being an entrepreneur, or wanting to become an entrepreneur, is an internal feeling. Deep down in your soul you crave the freedom to turn your dreams and visions into reality. To create something that no one else can see except you (initially). It's the ultimate creation: you get to create whatever it is that you can see in your mind. Well, at least this is how it has always felt for me.

In this chapter we are going to explore some traits that I have developed to become a self-made business owner. These traits are learned behaviours and will make the path to success much easier and more enjoyable for you.

The six ...

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