Multi-Technology Self-Planning

Josko Zec, Octavian Stan, Rafael Ángel García, Nizar Faour, Christos Neophytou, Khalid Hamied, Juan Ramiro, Gabriel Ramos, Patricia Delgado Quijada, Javier Romero and Philippe Renaut

4.1. Self-Planning Requirements for 2G, 3G and LTE

Network planning is defined as the process of identifying the parameter settings of new network elements, including site locations and hardware configuration [1]. Self-Planning is defined as the automation of the network planning process to reduce the associated cost and operational effort. This can be achieved by utilizing functions and components that are highly automated. The degree of automation depends on the functions and components used in the planning process. Examples will be provided throughout the chapter. The following is a list of requirements for Self-Planning:

  • Accuracy of the models and input data: planning processes usually utilize propagation path-loss predictions, traffic volume forecasts, call models, traffic spatial distributions, etc. The accuracy of those models can be improved by using model tuning and calibration based on drive data, Operations Support System (OSS) performance counters and mobile measurements. See Section 4.5 for more details.
  • Optimality of the derived parameter settings: mathematical optimization techniques should be used in order to provide optimum parameter settings, i.e. the ones that provide best results. See Section 4.4 for more details.
  • Automation: ability to activate ...

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