Appendix: 100 Questions to Ask Your Customers and Prospects (and Yourself)
Headline: 100 Revenue Growth Questions
The more we communicate with customers and prospects, the more we sell.
The more that people hear from us, the more they buy from us.
(The opposite is also true: the less they hear from us, the less they buy.)
We are not bothering them.
We are not disturbing them, or taking their time. No.
Rather, we are helping them.
We are letting them know we care.
We care more than the competition does.
We are thinking about them.
We are here for them. The competition isn't. But we are.
And so, we must systematically communicate this to our customers and prospects.
Regularly and consistently communicate helpfully with your customers.
If possible, make these communications automatically. Personally, but automatically.
My entire Revenue Growth Habit process, which I implement for my clients, is based on this. My clients simply out‐communicate the competition. The day this revenue growth program launches, my clients' customers and prospects hear from them exponentially more than before.
And nobody complains about receiving too many communications because these are helpful communications, useful to the recipient.
Most of the communications in my system of revenue growth are questions.
I teach the customer‐facing people at my clients' companies to ask these questions regularly and systematically.
We track the questions, and critically, the outcomes. What did you ask or do, and what ...
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