CHAPTER 10Making Your NSP More Than a Tagline
I believe life revolves around our meaningful connections and how we make people feel. That's what your brand should be focused on.
—Bruce Poon Tip, founder of G Adventures
When you have a compelling purpose, you want to share it. Before you slap your NSP on a white paper and send it out, let's talk about how you can activate live time with your customers.
In this chapter, you'll learn how to help your sales team turn a traditional pitch into a transformational engagement with your clients. The key to bringing your purpose to life with customers is to help them experience it in live time during your sales process.
Creating a Differentiated, Purpose‐Fueled Sales Experience
Remember G Adventures from Chapter 2, the sales team whose NSP is We help people discover more passion, purpose, and happiness? They're a wildly creative organization. Their employees use their free time to make music videos about their trips. Their marketing materials are gorgeous, and their analytics are laser‐focused.
When the sales team adopted their NSP and became the GPS (Global Purpose Specialists), they could have created another killer video showcasing how their trips change lives. They could have done a slick ad campaign to help targeted travel agents see that booking a G trip has a positive impact on the local economies around the world. They did those things.
They also wanted to go further. They challenged themselves. They asked the team, if our ...
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