4 Semantic Web Solutions for Improvised Search in Healthcare Systems

Nidhi Malik1, Aditi Sharan1 and Sadika Verma2

1School of Computers and Systems Sciences, JNU, New Delhi, India

2Sadika Verma, SVIET Banur, Punjab, India


The health sector has also grown tremendously in previous decades and digitization has a played a great role in this growth. The demand from a healthcare system is that it will be correct, interactive, prompt and accurate. To achieve these goals, semantic web technologies are proving to be of great use. A healthcare and life sciences group has been established by World Wide Web Consortium, which aims at development and support of these technologies in healthcare and related fields. In this chapter, we wish to highlight semantic web solutions, which improves the process of searching as compared to traditional approaches.

Keywords: Semantic web, search engine, ontology, vocabulary

4.1 Introduction

All aspects of life have benefitted from the use of IT technologies including the healthcare sector [1]. Healthcare services are greatly improvised in terms efficiency, effectiveness and accessibility. This has become a standard practice in many healthcare organizations to use information systems that can manage and locate important information quickly. With the democratization of web and emergence of web 3.0, lot of health related information is available in public domain. The stakeholders of this information include doctors, patients, researchers, etc. In ...

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