
Installed #include file settings Build macro

The libmilter library installs two #include files in /usr/include as a part of its build. Those two files are mfapi.h and mfdef.h. Other programs might also install #include files in future versions.

The location of the #include directory, and the ownership and permission of those #include files, can be changed with the following Build macros:


The confINCLUDEDIR macro determines where the #include files will be installed. For most sites, the correct directory will be defined in your devtools/OS file. But if you decide to put those #include files in a different directory, you can do so by defining this macro:

define(`confINCLUDEDIR', `/usr/share/mail/include')

This macro sets the group that will own the #include files. The group defaults to bin. If you wish to use a different group you can do so like this:

define(`confINCGRP', `mbin')          ← use a group name
define(`confINCGRP', `343')           ← use a group number

If you use a positive number that is not too large, it will be accepted no matter what. If you use a name that is not defined in the /etc/group file, you might see the following error and the build will fail:

chgrp: mbin: unknown group

This macro defines the permissions the installed #include files will have. The default is mode 0444, which is readable by the owner, group, and world. One reason to change this default might be to prohibit ordinary users from reading these files. You would make such a change ...

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