Once you have built sendmail with STARTTLS support, and before you install it, you should test to see whether STARTTLS is working. One way to perform such a test is like this:

# obj.*/sendmail/sendmail -bs -Am

Here, we run the newly built sendmail relative to the source directory. The -bs tells sendmail to speak SMTP on its standard input. The -Am tells sendmail to use its server configuration file (not submit.cf), even though it is running in mail-submission mode. Such a test session might look like this:

220 your.host.domain ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.1/8.14.1; Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:43:02 −0700
ehlo your.host.domain
250-your.host.domain Hello root@localhost, pleased to meet you
250-STARTTLS                  ← note this line
250 HELP
221 2.0.0 your.host.domain closing connection

Here, the STARTTLS SMTP keyword appears, revealing that this site supports TLS encryptions of connections.

If STARTTLS doesn’t appear, rerun the command with extra debugging, like this:

# obj.*/sendmail/sendmail -O LogLevel=14 -bs -Am

Look in your syslog logfiles for sendmail messages. Look for messages such as warnings about unsafe files, or warnings about the validity of X.509 certificates. If this fails, and you need additional help, you can connect to http://www.sendmail.org/tips/.

If STARTTLS does appear, run sendmail as usual. Then examine Received: header lines for mail you received from other sites that support STARTTLS, ...

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