Enabling the access Database Generally

To enable use of this access database, declare it in your mc configuration file like this:


This enables use of the access database, and enables the default database type and path as:

hash /etc/mail/access             ← V8.11 and earlier
hash -T<TMPF> /etc/mail/access    ← V8.12 and later

Note that with V8.12 and later a -T<TMPF> has been added to specify that temporary errors should return a 4xy SMTP code.

If you wish to use a different database type or pathname, you can do so by providing an appropriate argument to the FEATURE(access_db):

FEATURE(`access_db', `hash -o /etc/mail/access')           ← V8.11 and earlier
FEATURE(`access_db', `hash -o -T<TMPF> /etc/mail/access')  ← V8.12 and later

Here, we add the -o switch (-o on page 889) to the definition to make the existence of the /etc/mail/access database file optional.

Beginning with V8.12, this feature takes two more arguments:

FEATURE(`access_db', `db specification'`skip', `lookupdotdomain')

The skip (the third argument), if present, enables SKIP as a possible return value for the access database (SKIP on page 280).

The lookupdotdomain (the fourth argument), if present, enables the same behavior as though you independently declared the FEATURE(lookupdotdomain) (FEATURE(lookupdotdomain) on page 628).

Beginning with V8.14, the new keyword relaytofulladdress can appear as either the second, third, or forth argument. Here, for example, it is supplied as the second argument:

FEATURE(`access_db', `db specification ...

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