SITECONFIG mc Macro (Obsolete)

The SITECONFIG mc macro is obsolete but has been retained for backward compatibility. It has been replaced by the FEATURE(mailertable) (FEATURE(mailertable) on page 629).

The SITECONFIG mc macro is useful for maintaining lists of UUCP connections. There are two types of connections: those connected to the local host and those connected to another host. The first type is declared with SITECONFIG like this:

SITECONFIG(`file',` host',`class')

Here, file is the name of a file (without the .m4 suffix) that is in the directory cf/siteconfig. That file contains a list of SITE declarations (described earlier). The host is the UUCP node name of the local host. The class is the name (one letter, or multicharacter) of a class that holds the list of UUCP connections. For example:


Here, the file cf/siteconfig/ contains a list of UUCP hosts directly connected to the machine arpa. This declaration would be used only in the machine arpa’s mc file. The list of UUCP hosts is added to the sendmail class-macro $=U in the first example, and $={MyUUCPclass} in the second.

Some single-character letters are special. The special letters available for local connections are U (for uucp-old), Y (for uucp-new), and Z (for uucp-uudom).

A second form of the SITECONFIG mc macro is used by hosts other than the host with the direct UUCP connections. It is just like the earlier form but with the full ...

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