Milter smfi_setreply()

Tune how messages are rejected All sendmail versions

The reply code and message that sendmail uses to reject or temp-fail the current message is set by calling the smfi_setreply() Milter library routine. That routine accepts four arguments:

ret  = smfi_setreply(ctx, rcode, dsncode, message);

Here, the rcode specifies the SMTP reply number that sendmail should return. The rcode is in the form of a three-digit string that must begin with a 4 or a 5.

The dsncode must either be NULL or a string containing three integers with a dot separating each integer from the next. For example:


If the first integer is not a 4 or 5, the smfi_setreply() routine will return MI_FAILURE. Similarly, if the three integers are not composed of all digits, or if the character positions that should be occupied by dots are not occupied by dots, the smfi_setreply() routine will also return MI_FAILURE. If dsncode is NULL, it is ignored and a default DSN return value will be generated by sendmail.

The last argument, the msg, is a string which specifies a new rejection or temp-fail message:

"Go away, evil spammer"

If the string is longer than 980 characters, or if it contains a carriage-return (\r) or linefeed character (\n), the smfi_setreply() routine will return MI_FAILURE. If msg is NULL, it is ignored and no message will be issued as part of the reply.

Each time smfi_setreply() is called, it frees any prior message and replaces it with the new one.

The Milter library, except for the single ...

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