Sense and Avoid Concepts: Vehicle-Based SAA Systems (Vehicle-to-Vehicle)
6.1 Introduction
The various scenarios of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployment require the ability to navigate UAVs in unknown terrain. The UAV, while fulfilling its mission objectives, has to avoid static obstacles as well as moving obstacles like other UAVs, airplanes, balloons or areas with bad weather forecast or bad weather conditions. Furthermore, if the UAV enters commercially controlled airspace, it needs to be able to sense and avoid the potential conflicts considering the air-traffic control regulations.
The concepts for development of automated systems providing the sense and avoid capability (also referred to as collision detection and resolution systems, CDR) came mainly from two domains. The first one is the air-traffic management domain, where automated tools like Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) [1] and Precision Runway Monitor (PRM) [2] are used to increase safety and fluency of the air-traffic. ...