© Guillermo Guillen 2024
G. GuillenSensor Projects with Raspberry PiMaker Innovations Serieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/979-8-8688-0464-9_6

6. Animations with Python and Pygame

Guillermo Guillen1  
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

The main goal of this project is to develop virtual animations of humans, animals, and objects that move across a stage or image background. You will use Python and Pygame, which are software tools used to program games.

The animations you will make in this chapter are as follows:
  • A virtual UFO that moves and rotates from an altitude

  • Two virtual dogs that run and bark in a field

  • A virtual man whose movement is controlled with your keyboard and who moves through a field where there is fire, smoke, a helicopter, and a virtual butterfly ...

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