17Evolving Competition

This chapter works on the notion of competition (and competitiveness) by evolving it. We use C-K theory for designing the C01 blueprint concept found in Chapter 16:

17.1. Cracking open the notion of “competition”

Two complementary angles of using Trialectics are (i) a more foundational understanding (Figure 17.1) and (ii) a more routine view that resembles everyday use (Figure 17.21). The first angle will supply an in-depth study of an “Apple way” of competing.

In Figure 17.2, the notion of competition involves friction-based duality (greed: complicity and challenge), the uncertainty of the results (contest: analogy and desire) and the actual distinction in the works (resemblance: acquisition and redundancy). The three “including thirds” reveal the resources needed for action, the posture in exposure (advertising) and the indispensable adaptation to markets.


Figure 17.1. The Trialectics diagram working out the concept “competition” ontologically


Figure 17.2. Two Trialectics diagrams working out the more mundane concept of “competition”

17.2. Designing an expanded understanding “competition”

We now base a C-K development on the above diagrams and start from a fundamental declaration from Steve ...

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