© Marek Sadowski and Lennart Frantzell 2020
M. Sadowski, L. FrantzellServerless Swifthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5836-1_2

2. Actors in the Serverless Space

Marek Sadowski1  and Lennart Frantzell2
Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Sunnyvale, CA, USA

It wouldn’t be fair to just jump ahead and start the discussion of Apache OpenWhisk without providing some information about the Serverless technology vendor landscape. This chapter will therefore focus on providing an introduction to the Serverless space, as well as providing arguments for using one or the other Serverless platforms. At the moment of writing, only Apache OpenWhisk supports the Swift language; thus, only IBM Cloud with IBM Cloud Functions is described in the following chapters.

In addition ...

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