Book description
This book presents the approaches and practices for the construction of software systems using Select Perspective.
It details the key workflows for a contemporary approach to supplying, managing, and consuming software assets to deliver business IT systems.
This book provides a comprehensive development lifecycle (Select Perspective) for component and web service based IT solutions, that supports parallel development activities, to reduce time-to-market.
It introduces the Select Perspective as a Supply, Manage, Consume software development process.
It provides a real world project experience and examples.
Technology: Unlike other development processes, Select Perspective is focused on a small number of key deliverables within an organizational framework of suppliers and consumers, of solution driven components. Audience:
For CIOs, IT Directors, Project Managers, and solution developers.
Hedley Apperly is Vice President, Product Marketing and
Development with Aonix
Hedley has graduate and post-graduate qualifications in production
engineering, business computing and strategic marketing. His 19
years experience in IT, have focused on the design and development
of relational, object-oriented and component-bases systems. He is
also a committee member of the British Computer Societies (BCS),
Object-Oriented Programming and Systems (OOPS) specialist group. As
well as his involvement Component Based Development for
Enterprise Systems, published by Cambridge University Press,
Hedley co-authored Component Based Software Engineering; Putting
the Pieces Together, published by Addison Wesley.
Ralph Hofman works in Manager Services (Benelux) at
Aonix. Ralph studied computer science at the University of
Twente in the Netherlands. He started as a freelance consultant for
different companies and specialized in methods and tools for system
development. Ralph initiated component-based development as a way
of working within a major international Bank. He joined Aonix in
2000, where he is responsible for the consultancy and services in
the Benelux.
Steve Latchem is Director of International Services with
Aonix. Steve has been within the IT industry for over 18
years, holding positions in large consultancy groups and IT
Departments ranging from business analyst to object oriented
consultant, architect and project manager. Steve now directs the
global professional services group at Aonix. Steve collaborated on
AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software & Projects in Crisis
and co-authored Component Based Software Engineering; Putting
the Pieces Together, published by Addison Wesley.
Barry Maybank is Principal Consultant with Aonix.
Barry has been within the IT industry for over 17
years, holding positions in consultancy groups, IT Product
Companies and Engineering companies with roles ranging from
software engineer to architect.
Barry McGibbon is Associate Consultant with Aonix.
Barry has worked in the IT industry for over 35 years,
holding very senior management positions with leading computing
services providers. He has been involved in component-based
development initiatives for significant enterprises in the UK and
Europe. As well as a frequent contributor to major journals, he is
author of Managing Your Move To Object Technology: Guidelines
& Strategies for a Smooth Transition published by SIGS
Books Inc. He is also Technical Chair for Europe's largest CBD/OO
conference and a series editor for Cambridge University Press.
David Piper is a Principal Consultant with Aonix.
David has been working in the IT industry for over 20 years holding
positions in manufacturing, financial services and IT consultancy
with roles ranging from analyst to quality assurance manager and
project manager.
Chris Simons is a Senior Consultant with Aonix.
Christopher has been within the IT industry for over 12
years, holding positions in real-time, defense, retail, public
sector and finance domains, with roles ranging from software
engineer, lead analyst to technical architect. He has also taught
object-orientation and development process at various universities
as a visiting lecturer.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- The Addison-Wesley Component Software Series
- Copyright
- Foreword
- About the authors
- About the organization
- Preface
- The structure of this book
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Introduction to contemporary software development
- Overview of Select Perspective
- Supply
- Manage
- Consume
- Data architecture
- Project management
- Roles
- Business component identification
- Component design
- Component interaction modeling
- Component interface design
- Component modeling
- Component testing
- Deployment modeling
- Design by contract
- Gap analysis
- Incremental development
- Package modeling
- Refactoring
- Reuse
- Test case specification from a process thread diagram
- Test case specification from a use case
- Test case specification from an interaction diagram
- Thin-slice prototyping
- Use case modeling
- Use of patterns
- Summary
- Deliverables
- Tools
- Epilogue: taking it on
- Glossary
- References
- Further reading
- Select Cruises
Product information
- Title: Service- and Component-based Development: Using Select Perspective™ and UML
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2003
- Publisher(s): Pearson Business
- ISBN: 0321159853
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