Chapter 13
The Enterprise Service Bus
In This Chapter
Catching the enterprise service bus (ESB)
Figuring out ESB components
Taking a road trip on the ESB
You’ve probably ridden a bus, maybe to school or to work. You find the bus you want, you get on it, and it takes you where you want to go. You know approximately how long it will take to arrive at your destination (barring any delays). If traffic is backed up, the driver will take an alternative route to get you where you want. The concepts are the same for understanding an enterprise service bus (ESB).
The Enterprise Service Bus provides a technique of moving messages between services. While there are many types of messaging services, the ESB is a packaging of different styles of messaging combined with registry services and security. It’s an important way that organizations are able to create a scalable SOA environment without hand coding the way services are connected together.