
abstraction: The deliberate reduction in dependency between a component and other components it works with is a way to make the component generally more useful. In software, it can be extremely important. With SOA, services are designed to be as abstract as possible.

access control: Determining who or what can go where, when, and how.

ACID: An acronym for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, which are the main requirements for proper transaction processing.

adapter: A software module added to an application or system that allows access to its capabilities via a standards-compliant services interface.

AJAX: A hot new technology for producing highly interactive Web applications. AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

API: Application programming interface, which is a collection of subroutine calls that allow computer programs to use a software system.

architecture: In information processing, the design approach taken for developing a program or system.

authentication: The process by which the identity of a person or computer process is verified.

B2B: Business to Business. Typically refers to a kind of commerce (or trade). When a company sells primarily to other companies (businesses), its business is said to be B2B. IBM is a good example.

B2C: Business to Consumer. Typically refers to a kind of commerce (or trade). When a company sells primarily to consumers (ordinary people just shopping, you know), its business is said to be B2C. is ...

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