Chapter 13
Pricing Services
Imagine No Chapter 13!
I wanted to skip Chapter 13, but my book editors overruled me. Why skip it? To help sensitize you to the power of numbers. You see that power when:
- High-rise buildings in the United States skip a 13th floor and go right from 12 to 14, because otherwise they would have to discount the rentals they get on that floor.
- People in Japan avoid elective surgery on the 4th of any month (“shi” is the number 4 and also means death in Japanese).
- More people buy products with a “7” in the price.
- Many more people will buy a product at $99.99 than at $100.
I recommend you reread Chapter 10 and start profiting from a smarter use of numbers in your pricing strategy.
The Complications of Setting Prices for Services
Many problems complicate the problem of selling services. A few of them are:
- Pricing by the hour versus the job
- Finding out what your competitors charge
- Comparing your services to a competitors—when what you’re offering depends somewhat (or a lot!) on the person providing the service
Additional problems arise when the service business is a sole proprietorship ...
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