Day 2: Multiple Channels and IO

Today we’ll see how core.async makes asynchronous IO both simpler and easier to understand. But before then, we’ll look at a feature we’ve not yet seen​—​handling multiple channels at a time.

Handling Multiple Channels

So far we’ve dealt only with a single channel at a time, but there’s no reason we have to restrict ourselves to doing so. The alt! function allows us to write code that can deal with more than one channel:

channels.core=>​ (def ch1 (chan))​
channels.core=>​ (def ch2 (chan))​
channels.core=>​ (go-loop []​
#_=>​ (alt!​
#_=>​ ch1 ([x] (println "Read" x "from channel 1"))​
#_=>​ ch2 ([x] ...

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