Document Management and Workflow

Document management is a critical focus point in any organization. Building workflows to automate the business process around document management is where companies have really started to focus their energies. One of the many highlights around MOSS 2007 and its out-of-the-box capabilities is in the business process management (BPM) area. MOSS 2007 comes out of the box with some predefined workflows that are specifically designed to support common business processes. This is just the starting point for your company to create custom complex workflows that go above and beyond what is found outside of the box. This next section looks at some of these out-of-the-box workflows and how they can be added to document libraries and content types that may be used within these document libraries. We will also look at some of MOSS's document management features, such as versioning, document approval, document routing, and Information Rights Management (IRM).

Document Management and Workflow


Workflow is very powerful because it enables organizations to streamline their common business processes, which in turn can save the company from having to go through the time taking manual steps to complete common business processes. MOSS 2007 has some predefined workflow templates that can be used to automate some of these common business processes. The predefined workflows that can be added to a document library in MOSS 2007 are Approval, Collect Signatures, Collect ...

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