Chapter 11
Creating Custom Lists
In This Chapter
Planning, creating, and importing a custom list
Adding new columns to lists
Renaming and hiding the Title column
Importing your spreadsheet as a list
Creating calculated and lookup columns
One of the neat features about SharePoint is the ability to add columns to the predefined lists and libraries as well as make entirely new custom lists. Custom lists make it possible for you to create a team site unique to your tasks and responsibilities. You can build your custom list from scratch or import a spreadsheet.
Think about all the spreadsheets you have for tracking and simple mathematics, like adding inventory! Creating or importing custom lists gives you a centralized location for this information and an easy-to-use form interface for data entry and display. Plus, if you use the supporting lists SharePoint provides — Links, Announcements, Issue Tracking, and Tasks — your team is a lean, mean, productivity machine!
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