Chapter 16
Using My Site Effectively
In This Chapter
Storing your documents and information on My Site
Keeping your private stuff private
Using sites to collaborate with others
Creating and maintaining a blog
Your My Site is more than just a place to think about every once in a while when you need to update your profile. It’s a great place to use on a regular basis to share information with others, store your work, collaborate with others, and communicate with your colleagues.
Using Your My Site to Save Stuff
There are many different places that you can store the stuff you work on and depend on — on your desktop, on your local hard drive, online via something like SkyDrive or Dropbox — or you can simply use your My Site to store your important stuff.
Some of the advantages of using your My Site include
It’s backed up on a regular basis. Confirm this with your IT team, or if you’re using Office 365 you can be assured that it is.
It’s got the same familiar SharePoint interface that ...
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