Wrapping It All Up

You have come to the end of this book on SharePoint 2010. We hope you’ve taken several steps forward on your journey into the marvelous world of SharePoint. If you are truly serious about being successful in deploying and using SharePoint, with all its power and benefits, this book should be just the beginning. You should never stop learning, growing, trying new things, reading up on what others are doing, and networking with others who are also on the SharePoint path.

Each author has a few parting words designed to give you insight into what you should be doing now in the area of that author’s particular subject. As you read in the introduction, this book was not designed or intended to be a full-on educational deep dive. Rather, the intent was just to get you started and give you enough information for a solid head start. The rest is up to you. Where you go from here depends on the needs of your organization and your personal topic or niche preferences. If you find Business Connectivity Services amazing and fun, then by all means dig into every aspect of BCS and take that part of your SharePoint implementation to the fullest. If it’s one of the other major areas that intrigues you, go for that.


Here are your authors, speaking on the six major areas that make up the Six-in-One approach of the title. In the order of presentation in the book, these are branding, development, Business Connectivity Services (BCS), the social networking ...

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