Chapter 18

Sharing and Approving Content


Understanding what document library apps are and why they’re superior to file shares

Discovering lots of ways to get your documents into document library apps

Working with (and deleting) your documents

Retrieving a document after it has been deleted

Choosing between moderation (approval) options

Enabling content approval

You may remember Bill Gates proclaiming that “content is king” back in the mid-1990s. Nearly two decades since, it still couldn’t be more true. The rate at which modern organizations are generating digital content is staggering. One of SharePoint’s sweet spots is managing content, which is why many organizations adopt the platform in the first place.

In this chapter, you delve into dealing with documents in SharePoint. You find out how to get documents into SharePoint and share them with others. You discover SharePoint apps based on libraries and how they are used to manage documents. Finally, you see how to approve and publish content that you want to display on web pages.

Sharing Your Documents

You’re probably familiar with network file shares: the file systems that enable people to upload files to a shared network drive so that other people can access and use them. File shares, when they were invented, revolutionized the ability of organizations to keep files in relatively secure locations and manage who had access. But SharePoint has done the file sharing one (okay, a whole bunch) better.

SharePoint ...

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