Chapter 1
Using the Site Administration Menu
A SharePoint application is largely organized around the concept of the individual site. Every SharePoint site must have at least one owner who will have available to him or her the full range of administrative options at the site level.
In many cases the people responsible for building and maintaining a SharePoint site are not IT professionals. More often they are business users charged with organizing documents, posting meeting information, and uploading photos of the company picnic. The purpose of this chapter is to explain the basic administration functions that are available to a user who has administrative access to a site. Typically, this person is known as the site owner.
The SharePoint administration interface is displayed by a browser and is security-trimmed. This means that many of the menu options, links, and other parts of the interface can be viewed only by people who have a certain level of rights. If you are following the steps in this chapter and the accompanying video walkthrough, and you are not seeing the links and menu items described, it's likely that you do not have a sufficient level of rights to the site. Someone with a higher level of access will have to increase your security level.
Accessing the Site Administration Menu
Every SharePoint site includes a Site Settings page. This page consists of various link groupings that contain all of the various administration and configuration options available to a site ...