Chapter 8
Setting Search Options at the Site Collection Level
Once you begin to use SharePoint to store documents and other content, you need a way to search through what's there and make it available. SharePoint Search provides you with a powerful tool to assist your users in finding information. Lesson 9 examines how to configure and use search scopes to help users find information. In this lesson you will look at the overall approach to working with Search on your site and how to configure it.
When you search within a site collection your results are displayed on a default search page, which is used by the entire site collection. This page results.aspx is actually stored on the SharePoint server. For example, searching a site with the URL http://martinreidpc/sites/demo/SitePages/Home.aspx will display results using a results page located at the URL http://martinreidpc/_layouts/OSSSearchResults.aspx/Results.aspx?k=test&s=All%20Sites.
Clicking the Home link on the results page will send you to the URL http://martinreidpc/Pages/default.aspx. This is not the site where you started searching. You are now outside the context of the site on which you started the search. This is because the search results page is located at the top level of the site collection not within the team site you started on. This can be confusing for your users, who can get lost in complex site structures. This is one of the reasons SharePoint enables you to customize the search results page and change its ...