Get Ready, Get Set to Present
Your moment has arrived—the Big Day. You’ve polished your slideshow to a high shine, and you’re ready to roll. Giving a successful talk, though, involves more than just standing up and holding forth. You need to be able to focus on your message and your audience: the last thing you need is to be distracted by glitches in either your equipment or your presentation itself. “Be prepared” is more than just a motto—when it comes to presentations, preparation spells the difference between fab and flop. Give yourself plenty of time—a day at least—to prepare your presentation and gear for primetime.
Note: This e-book assumes that you know the basics of creating a Keynote slideshow and that you have a slideshow ready to share with the world. If you need the full story on creating slideshows, check out Creating Keynote Slideshows: The Mini Missing Manual or iWork: The Missing Manual.
Presentation Setting and Gear
If you’re lucky, you have complete control over every aspect of your presentation—including the choice of room, computer, projector, and all the other technical bits and pieces required. More often, though, you’ll be stuck using others’ equipment; plugging your laptop into a video projector at a conference; or just showing up with your presentation on a CD and running it on someone else’s computer. When the equipment isn’t your own, you have to be more flexible—and often improvise.
Get a Room
Environment matters, and where you speak affects not ...